Saturday, September 19, 2009


My life these days is not boring , it's more than just Boring - it's simply Nothing.

There's nothing left on my PC. My Hard Disc crashed.
I'm writing Nothing. I'm reading Nothing. (Twilight doesn't count)
There's nothing on TV.

"Not" rules my
I'm Not going out.
I'm Not attending any lectures at college since... ( this could get me into trouble)
I'm Not blogging.
I'm Not pretending that I'm just so glad that monsoon's almost over.
I did Not watch the last episode of True Blood.
I could Not stay up till late watching 30 days of Night (which I wanted to watch so badly).
I'm Not reading any fan-fics.
I'm Not pestering my mum that often.
I'm Not able to stop sulking about my dead Hard Disc.
I can Not wait for New Moon any longer.
I'm Not wasting time doing anything cos I'm doing Nothing.
And as usual, I'm Not able to come up with something meaningful ....


  1. Hehhe... I guess everyone goes through the phase of nothingness

  2. (:
    hey, we all have those days.
    it'll get better, believe me ;)
